Long-term Affiliate

Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Robert Jütte | ||
0711 / 46 08 41 71 (Office) | ||
0711 / 46 08 41 81 | ||
robert.juette@f09.uni-stuttgart.de |
Robert Jütte was born in Warstein/Westphalia in 1954. He studied history, German and political science in Marburg, London and Münster. Doctorate (Dr. phil. Münster 1982, habilitation Bielefeld 1990 (teaching license for modern history). From 1983-1989 lecturer and later professor of modern history at the University of Haifa/Israel. From 1990 to 2020 Director of the IGM and since 1991 Honorary Professor at the University of Stuttgart. Visiting professor at the Universities of Innsbruck (2001) and Zurich (since 2006/07). Fellow at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies in Philadelphia (2010/11, 2014) and at the Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago (2017). Board member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Medical Association (2001-2019), 2016-2019 Deputy Chairman. In 2018 he received the “Doctor of Hebrew Letters” honoris causa from the Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago, in 2020 the Otto Hirsch Award of the City of Stuttgart. Editor of the journal Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte and co-editor of Aschkenas. Journal for Jewish History and Culture. Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Study Center in Venice.
Main areas of research:
• Social history of medicine
• History of homeopathy
• Everyday and cultural history of the early modern period
• Jewish history
For a detailed biography and list of publications, see CV and publications.
Krankheit und Gesundheit im Judentum (Aufsätze)
Geschichte der menschlichen Hand (Buch)
Frühgeschichte des Placebos (Aufsatz)